Monday, August 10, 2009


A solid decade after was created and another five years after “blogging” entered this Blonde’s vernacular; I’m entering the blogosphere. Proof, yet again, that I am not an early-adopter of technology….well, of anything really. (Hmm, let’s tackle that particular observation another day.)

So join me as I set aside angst and discretion to share my wandering thoughts with you and (maybe someday) legions of complete strangers.

And in true Virgo fashion, I’ve penned a few ground rules for myself and a few general disclaimers for my dear readers:

ï I will share witty repartee, albeit one-sided.

ï I will, where appropriate, protect the innocent by using only first names.

ï I will (inevitably) bitch, moan, and complain about men. This will stem from frustration, confusion, and general lack of sex. This can’t be helped. Please bear with me.

ï I will try not to get sued for slander. Or maybe it’s libel? Fun fact: slander (lying about someone out loud) turns into libel when/if you share the aforementioned untruthful sentiments via a medium with a wide audience, like TV for instance. (Insert clever “Legally Blonde” quip here.)

ï I will, above all else, provide insight into the life and times of one of America’s most endangered species... True Blondes.

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